Prokaryotic cells contain very little of an internal membrane structure, if at all. The Eukaryotic cell contains many membrane bounded organelles that are as complex as the prokaryotic cell.
- Cell Wall
- Plasma Membrane
- Flagellum
- Plasmids
- Ribosomes
- Cytoplasm
- Chromosome (Super-coiled DNA strand)
- Nucleoid (non-membrane bound)
- Cytoskeleton (small compared to the Eukaryote)
- Glycolipids
- Nucelus: Nuclear Envelope, Nucleolus, Chromosomes
- Centrioles
- Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Ribosomes
- Peroxisomes
- Golgi Apparatus
- Lysosome (Vacuole)
- Mitochondria
- Cytoskeletal structure
- Plasma Membrane
- Cell Wall
- Chloroplast
- Cytoplasm